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i love this cute game! I've been playing for a half hour already and it's so precious i love the cats names too

I LOVE ITTTT i js played it like 10 mins but can we get coins from adopted cats? idk i only got coins from stray cats

you can!! they sometimes find coins on their own :3 idk if its linked with happiness or not though like it is for strays :0

LOVE this game, got my two cousins to play and they like it too! I wish you could tell the rarity of cats tho, and i also love the statuses XD, my cousin says she was lil kittens....she has like 6 cats adopted rn...

First played with my three adopted kitties: Ninja Scarlet who was black and white (not ordinary), Master Croissant, who was blue (lost in space), and Evil Wawa who was pastel (seeking the sun).

My fave was Croissant, Ninja was my second ever visitor, and Evil Wawa was such a good name I couldn't resist. But kitties stopped appearing so I reloaded, and my dear friends were gone </3 However I restarted and now have some new adopted friends :3

Super cute game though! Love the art style and the animations are adorable. Lots of little nice details, like the yarn leaving a trail, and the balloon popping (once had it pop immediately when I bought it lol). I like that the water is free, and that you can pet the kitties.

Of course it could do with a little more content to be more engaging, but it's good as a quick and cute time-waster as-is :3

Also I love how I splurge on toys for them and yet apparently my mouse is the most fascinating thing they've ever seen. Much like buying an irl cat a cat-tree and they just lie in the box it came in.

(Shoutout to "whiskers the consumer" whos status was hangry)

Can I just add I love these names??

"Sweet and Sour Lucifer Prime" and of course he's an orange. 

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i cant figure out ow to leave edit mode h

nevermind i figured it out

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I think this is the best idle game that I have ever played. Having cats be weirdos and feeding them occasionally is great.

I do wish there was more sort of goals. Currently, just decorating the room is the only thing you can do. But, I do wish there was a bit more.

Deleted 10 days ago

You can fill the auto-feeders by dropping a bag of food on top of it.

OH, thank u i was trying to put in tuna i didnt know it was just the bags


Is it possible to adopt multiple of the same rare cat?

Yes it is, right now there’s nothing checking if a kitty already is present, it just spawns them totally randomly, so duplicates are possible! But I might change that in a future update so see if you can get doubles now ;3


Help! How do I increase each of the cats stats? I can only increase food and water and that's it


Kitties take care of all their needs automatically as long as there are ways to do so. They will take care of “Play” in many ways (chasing your cursor, playing with toys, playing tag, etc), they’ll take care of “Clean” by licking themselves, and they’ll take a catnap to fill their “Sleep” bar.

Happy is the only exception, it increases slowly over time as long as their other needs are not empty, but also eating good food, playing with yarn, and petting them will increase their happiness.

(2 edits) (+1)

Really fun and nostalgic game. I think it could be cool if there could be a way to assign an adopted cat to a bed, so they go there when they sleep, and no other cat would use it. This would allow to personalize each adopted cat's sleeping space, for example to color-coordinate it with the cat.


me and my friend have played hours  on this game on my other computer  but l would like to say how good this game is better the most paid games and love using my creativity   for this game i a made a maze out of cat food bowls or the pinball machine. i do have one idea for an update but it might be to hard. i was thinking what if we had modular cat trees like a box part of a cat tree and a sleeping part and a ramp and a stem part.  i love this game so much thanks for making it (:


Something I think would be cool is lil achievements, stuff like "get x visitors", "adopt x cats", "get x amount of toys" and stuff, but idk if that would be too much


You could add like, a way of making an area that the cats can't reach, in case you want to store something without you kitties mess it up and get stuck (I really need this, my yard is such a mess since i started getting toys of all colors)


improvised smth for now :)


um so when i got an exp pass i noticed that when kitties leave they go through the wall or the fence not the gate lol.


I wonder if balls could interact with the box ?
I mean that the ball bounces a little when it hits the box and then the box should move a little
I have also noticed
that when i put a cat in a box sometimes i can see the leg sticking out.
Oh and anyway i love the way cats move and react so cute


Loved that you added the cat-alog, only sad part is that it won't register all the kitties that visited before the update


Unfortunately, I didn’t have any system in place before now for tracking kitties so there was no data to pull from.. Also, right now it only saves the most recent 100 kitties to save space in the save file, and to prevent the list from being way too long, but I might change this (maybe add pages to the list?) after I do some tests and push the limits of the save file in-browser, and such


Love the update! the log is very helpful :) i do feel like the price of the teaser toy should be increased slightly, maybe around 35 coins, because it is a very good toy. 


Thank you, I’m glad you’re enjoying it ^^ You’re right, I think I overcompensated a bit when I lowered the teaser price, since it’s very good, and fun, and you only ever need to buy one of them, so I’ll probably raise it a bit more (so everyone should buy one while it’s still cheaper! hehe)


I love how the wall is larger to allow for windows and other decorations, however I encountered a glitch where a tile flooring that I had before, clipped into the wall, then when I adjusted it, part of it went out of bounds, making it difficult to resize.

Also, i think it would be cool if cats in your Cat-alog had a chance to revisit you later.


Ahh, I hadn’t thought of that issue happening! Thank you for letting me know, I’ll make sure I fix it for the next patch.

That’s a good idea, I’ve been thinking about that, and it wouldn’t be too hard to do, but I did have to stop myself from getting even more carried away and just release the update hehe.. I’ll see about letting cats re-visit in the next version maybe :3

Does it save your kitties if you had .8 downloaded and want .9?

yes! save files are stored separately from the game files that you download, so downloading the new version will load your existing save file just fine

Thank you for replying! I love this game 🩷

Will you translate the game ?
I can help for french

I may think about doing so, if I can get help for it! But right now, I don’t really have any systems in place for translation, since most of the text is hard-coded. I’ll try to work over the next few updates to clean that up and prepare it to allow for alternative, translated text, then once it’s ready I’ll reply to your comment again to see if you are still interested in helping ^^ Thank you so much for the offer!


you should add catfights to make it more interesting and you have to pick the cats up to resolve the fight


Awwe, that would be sad to see! but I might be able to implement it in a cute, harmless way… Thank you for the idea ^^ I’ll think more about it!




This game is incredible, I am ADDICTED :)


is there a limit to how many cats I can adopt?


You can adopt as many cats as you can afford to buy collars for! However, the total number of cats present at any given time is limited. It’s based on how many toys you have, but has diminishing returns until it hard caps at 21 kitties present (though it’s not easy to get that many at once!)

Decided to start keeping track of my evolution :)

Kitties: 17 (Two rares)
Toys: 110 (36 plush cats, 36 toy fishes, 11 scratch posts, 7 cat grass, 1 couch)
Kittycoins: 63
Plans: Get tiles and/or stone to put all my toys in

Kitties: 18 (Two rares)
Toys: 146 (36 plush cats, 36 toy fishes, 36 balls, 11 scratch posts, 7 cat grass, 1 couch)
Kittycoins: 5
Plans: Still want the stones, but now I'm even farther from doing that than before, I got too excited buying my colorful balls

(1 edit)

Kitties: 19 (Two rares)
Toys: 154 (36 plush cats, 36 toy fishes, 36 balls, 15 scratch posts, 7 cat grass, 1 couch)
Kittycoins: 145
Plans: Got my tiles and organized my toys, now I want to get cute wall decor


Okay so, you need, no, not need, you must make the toy mouse color changeable, please, I want to get one toy of every color

I didn’t get a chance to do this for 0.9 but I’ll definitely do it for an update soon :3

As someone who wants to learn how to code, I’ve been having a lot of fun looking at my save data and trying to understand how it works!

Quick question, what do the variables that end in “_added” do? I can never get them to be false. For example, even if I start a new save file and close the gate before any kitties ever enter, kitties_added will still be set to true. It’s starting to make me curious!!!

Awe, it’s awesome that you’re curious ^^ the _added are set to true as soon as it adds the data for that category to the save file. So the first time it saves kitties (which is one second after you start the game actually), it sets kitties_added to true. Even if the kitty data is just an empty array!

The reason for those variables is so that the load functions know whether or not they’re reading data loaded from a save file, or data that was just initialized (and set to default values).

The line “if _new_kitties != [] or data.kitties_added == true:” is saying “If the list is not empty, OR the list is empty but the data is from a save file, then go on to delete all the kitties in the map currently (to load the ones from the data in their place).

It technically isn’t necessary for kitties anymore, but for bowls and toys, it’s very important. Without the bowls_added variable etc, there’s no way to know whether it’s trying to load a save file that simply has no data for bowls/toys (because you sold them then saved the game), or if it’s a fresh save file. So you could sell the starting items, reload the save, and it would spawn new ones (or rather, not delete the ones that exist at the start).

Hopefully this is a helpful explanation :3 I’m happy to answer any other questions you may be curious about, and if you want to really get into game development with Godot, feel free to add me on Discord or whatever to chat! I’d love to help you out however I can


i have played a little of the game on my yt to show it off because i really love what has been done here!

i love the simple idle approach and adore the names some of them have, id love something like this with twitch integration so chat can take care of the cats while the streamer is afk, that would be superbly cute.

keep up the greatness!!

this would be extremely cool :>

i may have gone a bit over the top with my pluhies

One plushie for each color opition on the game. There are 36 colors, and the plushies are sold for 20 kittycoins each, therefore I have spent 720 kittycoins on plushies. I could be rich right now, but I choose to suffer with lag

Please add a big bag of cat food, it takes me around 5-7 minutes to fill all of my auto feeders every time they run out, adding a bag that fills atleast 2 or 3 would really be appreciated :)

plush cat cult, one for each of my cat colors (except for white and grey, i simply cant get one of those colors).

took me way too long to reaize i could just paint them

(1 edit)

Just a bug to let you know, in the mac build you cant throw the balls, they just stick to your cursor and dont launch, it actually sometimes throws it, its just not constant 

It seems to be working again..

Its been 5 minutes and still no cat has come to my shelter, i was two full food bowls and water so i'm confused why their not visiting.

Can you add a way of pausing only the cats, or like, hiding them or smth? It's hard to redecorate stuff (mainly the food area) when there are 14 cats going around and getting stuck on stuff, getting in the place I'm gonna place smth in, following around the food bows, and generally being a huge bother

Oml they rly get stuck in everything, i think i'm gonna have to redecorate and get evrything very close to the walls so they cant get stuck

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Keep your placeables either atleast 4 units away from the wall or right up against it ^^

also put like 2 units atleast of space between items like bowls or right next to each other so the cats dont try to run through them and become a tornado :3

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Quite a bit of time of gameplay but definitely worth it :3(most of the time was putting stuff in the right spots on the second carpet)
Game is Amazing, I love it so much, amazing graphics, and I love all the features. I was addicted from the get-go :3

I saw on one of the comments that suggested an autofeeder that you would limit them to three bags so people can't leave their game off overnight and come back to a gazillion coins, and I have a suggestion to prevent it. You could 1. make coins despawn if not picked up for a certain amount of time (around a minute or two i'd say), and/or 2. Make an "are you still playing" popup where it pauses the game every 15-30 minutes or something like that, and the resume button could be in a random spot on the screen (to prevent a macro auto clicking the resume button). :3

Could you possibly make it a little bit easier to pet the kitties? It's quite difficult to get a pet in before they run off and most of the time I can't get a pet in at all. Thanks! :3

(1 edit) (+2)

Yes, in the next version I’ve made it easier to pet them, and also much more obvious when you are doing it right ^^ It should be released within a day or two!

such a cute game. i love it.

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