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I've loved the game, but can you add a way to buy an item multiple times at once? Other than that game is perfect<3


I’m not sure how that could work, with how the shop functions right now.. but I have a shop rework on my to-do list, and I’ll definitely consider figuring out how buying in bulk could work when I do that! Thank you for the suggestion ^^


i think maybe when we pet the cats it should show up a heart so we're 100% sure we pet them ! i just found out i could pet them at all and would LOVE if a little heart popped up !



I LOVE THIS GAME BUT I DO I HAVE ONE THING TO ASK, is there a way to name the kitties??


There’s not a way to rename kitties right now, but it’s something I’ve thought about.. but if I do end up adding it, it’ll be pretty expensive! A big part of the fun is discovering the silly randomly generated kitty names as they arrive ^^


super cute!! sound design is awesome. wish there was a way to pet the kitties though


u have to hover your curser back and forth on the cat dont click


oh ok thank you!

(1 edit) (+1)

This game is so cute! I love all of my cats so much <3 (also great pixel art and sound design!)

Awe, thank you so much <3 I’m really happy you’re enjoying the game ^^

i luv this but i might adopted wayy too many cats. is there a limit of number of cats that are in my house?


The limit is based on how many toys you have! Buy more toys and scratching posts and stuff, and that will allow more kitties to be present at once :3


is this enough


This game is my go-to when I scare myself into tears after playing a horror game. I play it when I'm stressed or mad, too, I play this so much every time I open my computer my brother asks, "Playing the kitty game?" umm ofcc?! I wonder and/or if what your plans are for a update? Id love to see more toys and furniture. Even an indoor would be amazing, pay around like 150 or 200 coins for the expansion to go inside. Just a thought!! Love this game so much!!! P.S LOOK AT THESE KITTIESS<333 

Awe, it’s lovely that you’re enjoying the game that much <3

You’ll be happy to hear, for the next update I’m aiming to add a bunch of new decorations and stuff to buy!

Also, expansions are already in the game! If you buy the Exp. Permit from the shop, you can expand your playable area to the left or right, but to the left just extends the area you have (no different rooms or anything yet, just space)

If you have any specific toys or furniture you want to see in the update, let me know and I’ll definitely consider it ^^


Omg that actually is so amazing to hear!! 

I have a few recommendations; Slow feeders to put the canned kitty food in! but get worn out after awhile and need to be tossed/sold lowering the selling price for them but still get some coins.  Scratchers for the walls that the kitties can crawl up.  Bookshelves that can jump on that have toys all around it (but you have to buy the toys for it.) A bone fish toy that's like the fish toy already added but its just the skele version of it. CATNIP :D Make it pretty expensive, you could sprinkle it on the carpets and in the grass you buy. A really old box TV with antennas the kitties can mess with which ultimately make the channel change, the kitties can watch like flies or cartoons on it!! Kitty pools >:) Certain cats that like the water could jump around in the water, like the rare blue kitties and such! Anyway, theresa few other toys but that's just my thoughts! <3 


Those are a bunch of lovely ideas, I’ll write them down and see what ends up working out ^^ Definitely will add at least some of those, thank you! <3

Of course!! Hope to see the update, very excited!! Remember to eat and drink water, take you're time, perfection doesn't come while rushing

Haha thank you for the reminder, I appreciate it! I definitely need it :3

Lovely game! really enjoying it and look forward to any potential updates. noticed that while yarn costs 10 coin, you can then sell the yarn back for 15 coin. (tested all other buyables aside from the most expensive category (exp. permit-sofa) and yarn is the only one that has a different buy/sell price !)

Thank you! ^^

I fixed that (as well as a handful of other bugs and added save data management) in version 0.8.1 yesterday :3

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I love this game so much, it's very addictive! literally 10 minutes ago i was like "i wish this supported landscape mode for Android" then when i went to check this page and it said "now supports landscape mode on Android!" and i'm like: 🤯

I did notice a glitch where one of my cats bugged out for a bit because they were trying to chase a cat that was leaving XD

one suggestion for a cat type: hairless cats!!


Awe, I’m so happy that you’ve been enjoying it ^^

The cats can be a bit dopey sometimes, but.. honestly that’s kinda how real cats are! haha

I can add hairless cats, but I feel like just a color type wouldn’t really convey their vibe very well and I’d have to make a whole new set of sprites and animations for them which is quite a bit more work, but it’s something I’d like to do eventually!



Just wanted to post my child over here

yes ty for listning


Wonderful, adorable and fun and clearly made with love


heyya its admiral loaf again and his pet minnie!

btw, im wondering if you ever consider adding keyboard shortcuts? maybe for shop, edit mode, etc. :)

I can totally add keyboard shortcuts! I’d like to implement key rebinding if I do, though, so it might not be right away. But it’s a great idea!

yay!!! thanks!! oh and also, more items to purchase at the shop would be nice too >.< a cat tower maybe? or cat hideout or tunnel :D

The next big update is going to be focusing mostly on lots of new decorative items you can buy! I’m already hard at work on it :3

OMG!! exciting!! i've saved up a lot of kittycoins. i AM READY for new decos~ and thanks a lot for your hard work for creating such a simple yet super fun game!

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I LOVE this game, it is extremely relaxing to spend time watching the kittens and playing with them <3 I definitely recommend this game and I will talk about it in a short! Pls we need more about this game <3 Keep the dev! <3

I love this game.  I do wish the yard/house expansions increased your population limit, but it seems to stay permanently locked at seven cats.

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(Edit: I’m sorry! I looked at the math and there actually is a hard cap of 21) It’s based on how many toys and scratch-able things (posts, cat grass, sofas) you have, but there are diminishing returns.

But you’re right! Expanding your area should definitely permanently boost the limit, I’ll add that in the next version ^^

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I play bugsnacks and this cat came... I don't know what to think. 


What a nice bunch of goobers, I'm emotionally attached to them

ghsgjhsdhdj they're so cute

Awwe, I love every single one of them! <3 Thank you for sharing!

can you add being able to pet the cats pls


You already can ^^ Hover your mouse over their head (don’t click) and move it left and right.

On android, it’s a little un-intuitive at the moment; touch and hold above their head (don’t pick them up), then slide your finger down over them, and drag left and right quickly all without lifting your finger (it will move the screen too, but it will pet them!)

There's already a way of doing that :) just rover your mouse over the kitty without clicking on them, after some seconds they'll get happy

ty to the people who replied  !  !


yknow, its nice having lots of cats, but when you get a huge house, you constantly have to feed the cats. so, you should be able to hire a worker for like 125 kittycoins for an hour, and they would pay for dry food using 25 kittycoins then they make a noise and leave. or something like that.

I’ll definitely consider more ways to make the game more automated for those who want it in future updates! For now, you can use multiple of the new auto-feeders to hopefully keep your kitties fed ^^

The kitties with colored names are more rare or something? Three out of my five current cats are colorful so I got curious

Names above kitties’ heads are just colored to match their main fur color, but if their fur type is “Colorful” then yes, those are pretty rare! They have about a 2.5% chance to visit :3

Oooh, I see, I hadn't noticed because I've been only getting white kitties with white names (other than the ones with unrealistic colors)


Okay, so it updated right? And now I'm so sad bro, I waited so long to get 50 kittycoins to get the scratcher and now it so much cheaper, I wish I had waited a only a day to make my purchase :.)


Awwe, I’m sorry TwT

In hindsight, I should have implemented a way to refund people if I ever change prices.. I think in the next version I’ll do that, just in case!

this is a very great and well-rounded game. bonus points for being able to run it in the background. 9/10 stars. a short wiki article about the game would be nice, because in the first 10 cats I found 2 in a row were rares, but I've been playing for over 48 hours now and still haven't found any rares, also who came up with this name generator; they need a raise. my 2 rares are snowball, and "evil bob"🤣.

Thank you so much ^^

Rare cats are totally random if and when they visit, so you got lucky! (then unlucky..) Soon I plan on adding a new food that has a higher chance to attract rare cats!

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I have been playing this game for way too long lol...

Also i think it would be cool if I could add walls and stuff to customize the house area further.

It makes me happy to know you’re enjoying it that much!

I definitely want to add the ability to build walls (among other further customization options!), but I’d have to re-write a lot of the kitty movement code so they could pathfind around walls properly, so it’ll be much later if I end up adding it, but I do want to!


This game is amazing >_<

You’re amazing <3

(1 edit) (+1)

Things I LOVE about this:

  • they chase your cursor
  • they have zoomies!
  • the balloon pops
  • beautiful patterns and coats
  • the names (they are so hilarious)

I do wish there was a few more decorative features, but overall this is a solid game that I have been playing for hours now.


Thank you so much! I’m really glad you are enjoying it!

For the next update, I plan on expanding the customization of the game greatly! Lots of new furniture and cosmetic decorations. If you have anything specific you’d like to see, I’d love to hear! ^^

wall attachments that the kitties can climb on. (ᵔᴥᵔ)

also, another good feature idea, you would to be able to play as the cats, using a VR but it would be SUPER expensive to buy. but it would make early players have something really cool to work to, and it would just be fun

Loving the game!

Very cute and fun time killer. Would be great with more rooms, hygiene mechanics, with poop and bath time. Could also be fun with having breeding mechanics with rare combos.


Thank you so much for playing, I’m so glad you like it <3

I’ve considered adding litter boxes and connecting their usage to the clean/hygiene need, but also (having owned cats) that’s kinda gross to me and I like to imagine these kitties are clean and cute at all times :3

However, baths could be fun.. maybe some ways for kitties to get into trouble around the house, making a big mess that you have to clean up and then bathe the kitties, hehe. Ideas for future updates!


It would be really nice to have a save button. I just lost all of my progress when my PC crashed :(

I’m so sorry you lost your progress! TwT

The game saves automatically very frequently and stores the data in your browser cookies. Make sure you allow cookies for this page, or alternatively play the downloaded version and it will save the data to your computer where it’s a little more permanent (and can easily be backed up!)

I downloaded the game but it seems the crash just broke my safe file. How would I go about backing up my safe? :3

(1 edit) (+1)

Save files are stored here:

Windows: %APPDATA%\Godot\app_userdata\KittyToy

Linux: ~/.local/share/godot/app_userdata/KittyToy

macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Godot/app_userdata/KittyToy

find the file “” and copy it somewhere safe, and if you ever run into a broken or lost save file again, you can just copy it back ^^

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 this little admiral is my favorite!!!

anyway, this is such a cute and fun game!!! though im wondering how long will it take to spawn another stray? is there like a limit or smth? i have adopted 13 cats and have bought lots of stuffs. but it takes quite a long time to get another stray to visit


Awwwe I love your kitty! And thank you, I’m so glad you’re enjoying it ^^

If a new kitty doesn’t visit within a few minutes, then you’re at the limit of how many kitties can be visiting at once. The limit of kitties is based on how many toys + scratch posts you have, but there are diminishing returns, so it takes more and more toys to increase the cap further


aaahh so i need to keep buying toys and scratch posts to spawn new strays... okie okie. thanks for the reply! 

this is adorable awdshdjkahsdkjhdsd. what is the maximum amount of cats you can have at once? I adopted 4 and strays wont spawn anymore.


The limit of visiting kitties is based on how many toys (and scratching posts) you have, so the more toys you buy the more kitties can be present! There are diminishing returns though so it takes a lot of toys to increase the limit, eventually (though, at only 4 kitties, you should only need to buy 1 more toy for another kitty to show up!)

Also, make sure you didn’t close the gate by mistake, and make sure you leave food out, or kitties won’t visit!

i love <3

Thank you ^^ I’m so grateful you played it!

you should totally add like a cat catalogue or something that would be so cool this game is great

Thank you so much! I’m definitely considering adding a list of cats who visited! If I can work it out, I’d love to implement it.

You could add a catalogue (i think that's the term) so we could keep track of all the cats that visited and their names, and like, maybe with a separated part for cats that we adopted and then let go

This is a lovely idea ^^ I’ll think about how I could go about adding it, though I’m a bit concerned about save file size, after playing for a long time… but I’d love to add this if possible <3

This so cute but sometimes i need to make very hard decisions due to being poor

The new update should make that a bit better, items are cheaper and kitties pay out a bit quicker now :3

Hi, this looks amazing! Would you be so kind as to export for macOS next time you're in Godot? Thank you so much for a lovely-looking game.

A mac build is now available! I don’t have a mac, nor do I know anyone who does, so I can’t test it myself sadly, but please let me know if you run into any issues!

It seems to run very well, thank you!


I genuinely really like this! Progression is slow, but I feel like that's alright with this kind of game. I've been playing for a while now and I just find myself having a lot of fun watching them jump around and do all the cat things that cats do. It's.. honestly really accurate to the cat experience, and I love the behaviors they have! 

(This is my baby, Dog. He is the best one. This is not disputable.)                          

Also: I really love that there aren't consequences for adopting cats! I get just the same money and I get to keep my favorite little guy with me..


Thank you so much for the kind words ^^

The new version makes things a lot cheaper so it progression shouldn’t feel like as much of a grind.

Dog is best cat <3

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What an adorable little game. My little kitties are playing while I'm (trying to) work. Love it! :3 I would love to have an auto feeder. Maybe one where I can pre-buy a certain amount of food?

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Oh and it would be nice to see how much I can sell items for before selling them :) I've also noticed that my cats get stuck on the bowls sometimes (or maybe they're just really thirsty)


I’ve thought about an auto-feeder, but I don’t want people to just be able to leave it running overnight and come back to a million kittycoins! Pre-filling them a limited amount could totally work though, I’ll think about that!

Items sell for 100% of their value, but I will add text that shows how much an item will sell for if you hover over the sell zone, thank you!

Thank you so much for the kind words and feedback! <3


Another thing you could do is just, make the coins disappear after a while.


so good  but takes sooooooo long to gettt money


I added the expensive things for people who play for a long time and end up with way too much money and nothing to spend it on, but I recognize that it makes it so those items are hard to get for everyone else!

So the next version I will adjust prices of things so they’re easier to afford :3


but super cuteee


if you make an action mmorpg cat world, it will be so cute ngl
also, the game is very cute


Awe thank you ^^ That’s an interesting idea I’ll write down for the future but a proper mmo may be a little out of my scope, hehe


Super cute game with fun interactions. I'm going to buy it in a moment and will definitely recommend it to my cat loving friends!


Awe, thank you so much!! The kind words and support means a lot to me ^^

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