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Just started hows the build? 

I think you should expand on either the yard or the building side, and add a lot more toys. Overlord Butterball is completely adorable.

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I've expanded! And I've gotten even more cute cats! (don't worry most of their toys are in the yard area)


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how do you guys think i'm doing! let me know if you think i should add more stuff


ILL ADD, if i can get my org stuff back


My favorite part is the boxed bottle

it all looks lovely ^^ very nicely done. I love seeing how people decorate. and if you have any ideas for more decorative furniture I should add I’d love to hear!

thank you so much!

quick question: is it possible to restore a save file from the browser to the downloaded version of the game? 

right now, no it isn’t. but it’s something I’m working on! Real life makes progress slow but the next version will hopefully have the ability to load browser saves on the downloaded version.

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Why the flie of mobile is zip?(Nvm)

why wont da cat come ;-; i have plenty of food and everything 

Then you need more toys. Plenty of food out and plenty of toys.


rn mine is like this

you def need more toys

how abt tis?

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Question: will cats still visit if i sell all my toys (because they take too much space) and then start buying a little more, like restarting the process of buying toys to make it easier to have kitties? :3

Edit: im not willing to test because this could make me lose so much progress ;-;

Adopt a few cats first and make them happy and they'll give you constant source of coins.

the limit of how many kitties you can have on your plot at once is based on the total number of toys (and scratching posts and stuff) you currently have, it’s not based on buying toys. but I might change how it works, since I also agree lots of toys take up too much space.

i haven't gotten another cat since FOREVERRRRR and i have tons of food, water AND KEEP buying more toys but none come ;-; i have expanded everything and decorated my whole mess but they don't come. anybody know an easyer way to have more i have like 20 rn


i wish i could get to 21, i currently have 19 but wanna reach the limit, congrats to u tho :3

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how much stuff do you need to get 21 cats?

i currently have 19 cats and i cant seem to get more

i have hundreds off toys, probobly 150+ or so

9 scratching posts

5 full refill food bowls

2 food bowls with tuna and kittyYumz

2 cardboard boxes 4 beds and 1 catt garss

mabye i just need to be more patient but idk T_T

I would put out more food bowls. 


since you’re so dedicated I’ll give you the exact numbers, but I might change how it works in the next version so we’ll see!

Things cats can scratch (posts, cat grass, sofas, curtains) count as 2 toys. Cheap toys (balloons) count as half a toy.

It takes a “toy value” of 210 to have 20 cats, and a value of 663 to have 21. that’s the hard cap, and it can’t be raised above that.

since toys are kinda messy and take up so much space, I might change how it to just be an upgrade you can purchase to raise your kitty limit.

SUPER FUN!!1! >u< but it does get repetitive after a while :/ so I'm excited for what's coming next (if ur still open to the idea of updating it :DD)


This game is so cute!

I just have a problem with the framerate dropping when there are too many cats/coins, but other than that, I love this game!!! 10/10


I got two kittens named Lover and Sweetheart so I HAD to keep them together, I adopted both

I feel like some events (like a kitty showdown or smth) would make the game more fun instead of repetitive, just an idea :)

it says that my cats find some kitty coins but im not getting any like theyre not even appearing??


my cats keep running in to the corner all the time T_T


Pathing issue as they go to get food. Move the food bowl more scattered and they'll be able to run through freely/not get stuck.


BAHAHAHAAH I got a cat named "Vce pea brain of the valley"😂😂 LOL :3

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Also could you make it so that you can expand the areas more? And make kitchen areas and more stuff? And colored collars for the same price as the green one? Thanks :3 EDIT: I FOUND OUT THAT YOU USE THE PAINT TOOL TO MAKE DIFFENT COLORED COLLARS LOL :3

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I found a glitch if you close the gate and trap a adopted cat use the get rid of collar Then tap the traped cat with the get rid of collar then you can sell the collars while still keeping the cat just remember to put a collar back on the cat then untrap them anyways           I like turtles:3

i also came up with an idea, so with the extention thing after extending your yard 2 times the third time you extend your yard you get a like fairy mushroom house and theirs a fairy person because on the fairy lights when you hover it says borrowed from the fairy neighbor and the fairy person is the neighbor :)  


I was trying to get my cats on to a different device but it only loaded new cats

i was finally able to get 19 cats :3 ( still want MORE >:( )

19?? how?? everytime i get to 12 no more cats come! (only once i unadopt one more cats come) PLEASE TELL ME UR SECERET! I NEED MORE CATSS

i have like a million toys, everything looks like a mess but its worth it :D

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edit: ah, found it!  When I went into settings I noticed that "enable edit mode" was turned on, and turning it off fixed the issue.

I ran into a bug, or maybe just something that needs better instructions.

I bought a flooring option from the shop, and it appeared with a $ in the middle, a movement icon in the upper left, and a size-changing option in the lower right.  I moved it & sized it how I wanted, but couldn't figure out how to get out of that mode so I tried selling it.

Then I noticed my original run also had those icons now, so I sold that as well.

Here's where I think it's a bug: when I tried to fill the food bowl I discovered that I could buy stuff, but I couldn't interact with anything.  I can buy/move/resize/sell rugs, and I can buy but not move or sell anything else.

My poor kitties are hungry!  Any advice?  I just bought a copy for download but I'm hesitant to run it and risk getting it locked into this same floor-editing mode.


This game is absolutely cute!!😍 The sounds, the effeects was melting my heart. That’s all I can say.

Excuse me, how to save on android?

I think it will save automatically. Because every time I come back, it will continue the game unless you’ll clear the app data.

yeah it automatically saves! :3


i have like 18 cats but i need MORE

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I held my cursor over a kitty and it had little hearts! You can pet the Kitty!!!!

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Yeah!!! But on android there’s a bit hard to petting because the screen will scrolling in portrait mode and she is too small in landscape mode..😅

The game is still fun either way

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I agree..🥰

When is an update coming?

Real life has made development progress slow but I have been working on an update! I can’t give an estimate for when it’s coming, but it will be fairly soon


I got 13 cats! 12 isn't the limit!

Im pretty sure that 21 is the limit, i currently have 19

add a toy that sticks to the wall like a plunger + add catnip that makes the cats really fast and ends when they run into a wall


This game was really fun. i used something called "Cheatengine" after playing the game for a decent while. i got like 3 million coins and adopted alot of kittens and decoreted so much. it was hell of a lot fun.



i used cheatengine allowing me to just find and change the amount of coins i have. its really simple actually. the program can be downloaded on Cheat Engine

how do you put food in the food bowls?

(use traslator) dejas caer el paquete de comida encima del bowl, solo arrastras la comida arriba del bowl y ya se rellena

buy food and drag it in till its full

I luv it sm XD

What does an Exp. Permit do? Pls answer!

It allows you to expand your plot, hope that helps! :3



This game is amazing! :3 and it also solves my psycho-cat needs :D and it's better than Neko Atsume in my opinion and, Neko Atsume is a very good game too, I love the features this one got that makes it unique! Just please add an ability to re-name cats beccause I need to rename some of them and the names are soooo cuteeee :3 like Kitkat is so funny XD best game I've ever played on thanks! :3

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Omg are there any tips to attract more cats? 12 cats are definitely not enough for me!!! I need more caaaaatssss😫😫😫


Yes the same problem happened to me, i haven't gotten any other cats for a while, i am so desperate 😭😭😭

Having more food attracts more stray cats. didn’t they tell you that when you started the game

i have tried that but it didnt work, or is it because 12 cats is maximum? 😢

Maybe it was toys. Just buy a bunch of balls and put them in the corner. Idfk

just grind money and buy a crap ton of toys (NOTE:won't work with balloons or yarn)


im being so mean to this guy T_T

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ive been playing this game for 8 hours straight...

i made the poor guy STARVE >:3



idk why but i havent gotten a new cat for like an hour T_T


and now i havent gotten cats for another hour

im realizing that im ony getting around two cats an hour

Having more food/toys helps you get more cats. yw :D

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