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i wrote down a bunch of stuff i’d love to see in this game! As somone who doesnt do pixel art or coding I understand if some of this stuff wouldnt be doable :)


Just realized its called a cat tree, not tower! My brains foggy from my music being so loud -w- & also maybe a tunnel the cats can run through would be cool for a toy/furniture!


ngl i am using the "kittygrass" as catnip bc it feels like thats what its based off imo because they sit in it lol

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just figured out if you drag your finger across the screen on mobile the cats will chase it! I love this game so much :3

My son De Pierre (I used all my money adopting him, no regrets)


update: I had him on a private tab I thought itchwould save him <\33


this hurts me.

rest in code Pierre.


Real <\3


Nice game, i continued playing despite of the need to go to sleep. Great potential

This game is super cute and im genuinly addicted!! Ive been playing for like over an hour :P

How do I make money I'm confused I don't want to sell thing but how do i make more???

If you adopt a kitty they’ll find money over timeif their happy, & when stray kittys leave they give money depending on their happiness!


Great I have 7 cats that might help tysm

does anyone know if higher priced toys have a higher chance of cats playing with them? tysm :)

If kitties are bored enough they’ll play with anything except for balls on their own, but they’ll play with any toy if they see it moving (if they’re a little bit bored and they’re in the mood to play with it!)

Kitties are only in the mood to do one “play” thing at a time (playing with toys, chasing kitties, chasing the cursor, scratching things, sitting in a box/bed, etc), so if they aren’t playing with toys they’re just not in the mood at that moment ^^

thank you!! :)

this game is amazing but can you make it so the auto feeder has more cat food in it because it has to be refilled every 2 minutes 

Also I love how the grass moves when things are on them such as toys, cats, ect.

OK found a solution to the food don't get an auto feeder food fills immediately in normal bowl


Is there a limit to how many cats you can have?

Deleted 11 days ago

It’s based on how many toys and scratching posts you have, but has diminishing returns, eventually capping at 21 (but you need hundreds of toys to reach this number), and also using expansion permits increases the cap by 2 each

Cute game. 5 minutes or so in, and I'm hooked already!

awwwww the hearts are so cute


Really excited to see the devlopment of this game. It's real good so far, super cute and simple. Nice idler

this game is so cool

(1 edit)

my cat found kittycoins but no kitty coins came out lol

edit: a  new cat came and hes called "lvl 1 aerith the witch", WHAT LMAO

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i think i found kitty with kinda specific name, hah

adopt him i wanna name my cat "[REDACTED]" but LMAO thats hella funny

cute cute super cat cute


How do you get the cat's play level to go up? I've been messing around with various toys but nothing seems to work ;w;

IDK i think if they play with something for a period of time they can level it up, you need atleast 3-10 toys

They only play with toys if they’re in the mood for it, and their mood changes randomly over time. If they aren’t chasing a toy, try seeing if they will chase your mouse cursor, or they may be in the mood to chase another kitty, or to sit around.


I love this game SOOO MUCH! <3

It just really made my day 100% better! ^^

Could you possibly add a cat named Potato? That's my irl cats name and we have to get rid of him...


yall like my house?

I was looking for a nice little game to play while I sat in my living room just to relax. Thanks to you, instead of just relaxing, now I'm relaxing AND developing an addiction. You don't always need anything fancy to make a great experience, and this proves it. Great work, absolutely loving it!

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this is just how it went for me too!!! i wanted something to relax and play while in my living room. such a cute and entretaining game <3

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make the automatic water bowl actually lose water and make save files (like 3 save files or smth) edit: I LOVE THIS GAME, its so addicting that its like tomagachi but cats. plus make the cats not get stuck in corners pls

save files would be super fun!

I love this game!! although I shared it to my sister and she lost her save :C she loved the game but now shes really upset and I wish I could do something to help her. (shes playing on ipad) idk if that has anything to do with it but I'd love any feedback I could get.

heyo! pretty sure if you go onto settings, you can click manage save and it will save it onto file, if you want to access your old save do the same thing but press restore save. idk if this works on iPad but it should. Hope this helps! have a lovely day/night

If she is playing in the web browser, her save file is stored in browser cookies, so make sure she has cookies enabled for this page. Otherwise, you can backup saves in the “manage save data” button in the options (only in web browser version for now), and can backup and restore save files that way. Unfortunately, there’s no way to recover a lost save file if she did not previously back it up, I’m sorry :<

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This game is adorable and a little adictive. The cat's AI could use some work as they keep running into walls and getting stuck on objects. I did not realise that you could pet the cats in the beginning


Playing this game feels so relaxing. I will wait for some new updates. You have five stars from me! <3

Hope you are ok with this:

SO cool this is awesome

can u grab rug? and how to cuztomize size of stuff

figured it out

Hey there! your games and ideas are cool and id like to work with you to cover your sound needs, if youre interested hmu :)

discord 6bythefire

I love this game <3


Cute and relaxing :)

So cute:!

(1 edit) (+1)

This game is the best, and it definitely has a lot of potential as an idle virtual pet game! I've got some suggestions and ideas for the next update, if you don't mind -I've read the comments so I'll try not to repeat things that have already been said.

* Ways of increasing the amount of money you get -it takes a while to make money for the extra expensive stuff and gets kind of grindy, which isn't much of an issue now because there aren't many items, but it could be annoying in the future if more items were added.

* More decorations/furniture items -There ain't much to do decoration wise, it's a great start and it could become one of the best parts of the game if there were more items as that's currently the only real goal the game has.

* More kinds of collars/accessories for adopted cats!

* More to do with windows -Cats should seek out sunbeams and sleep in them, and they should also look out windows. And windowsills that they can jump on

* Recurring rare cats -What if there were recurring NOT randomly generated rare cats that had unique sprites, that caused things to happen when they were present, and had unique conditions for their appearance?

* There definitely needs to be more to do with the outside yard. 90% of the items in the game are designed to be used indoors.

* Random events that affect cat behavior -for instance, all cats in the yard rush inside when it rains

And finally, this has been said before but more goals need to be in place. What that looks like is up to you but I do think this game has potential and you're off to a great start overall


BEST game in the world

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you need to make hats for the catz 


I Swear no kitties ever visit me anymore 😭


Buy more toys, if you don't no cats will visit



loving the new updates~ this is my cat house now. i tried to make a maze at the garden but gave up halfway cz the cats kept getting stuck on the scratch post lmao

i also love the cat-alog!! now i can see the cats that visited while i have the game running in the background XD 

curious to what you have in store for the next update!!! ( im still waiting for the keyboard shortcuts :3 )

where is the cat-alog?

click on the ? on the top right corner!


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how do you make the area bigger :0

edit: i think i figured it out??? ill see :)

edit2: i got it!!!!!

I didnt qwq I need answers please

you need the permit :) its 400 coins


i love this cute game! I've been playing for a half hour already and it's so precious i love the cats names too

I LOVE ITTTT i js played it like 10 mins but can we get coins from adopted cats? idk i only got coins from stray cats

you can!! they sometimes find coins on their own :3 idk if its linked with happiness or not though like it is for strays :0

LOVE this game, got my two cousins to play and they like it too! I wish you could tell the rarity of cats tho, and i also love the statuses XD, my cousin says she was lil kittens....she has like 6 cats adopted rn...

First played with my three adopted kitties: Ninja Scarlet who was black and white (not ordinary), Master Croissant, who was blue (lost in space), and Evil Wawa who was pastel (seeking the sun).

My fave was Croissant, Ninja was my second ever visitor, and Evil Wawa was such a good name I couldn't resist. But kitties stopped appearing so I reloaded, and my dear friends were gone </3 However I restarted and now have some new adopted friends :3

Super cute game though! Love the art style and the animations are adorable. Lots of little nice details, like the yarn leaving a trail, and the balloon popping (once had it pop immediately when I bought it lol). I like that the water is free, and that you can pet the kitties.

Of course it could do with a little more content to be more engaging, but it's good as a quick and cute time-waster as-is :3

Also I love how I splurge on toys for them and yet apparently my mouse is the most fascinating thing they've ever seen. Much like buying an irl cat a cat-tree and they just lie in the box it came in.

(Shoutout to "whiskers the consumer" whos status was hangry)

Can I just add I love these names??

"Sweet and Sour Lucifer Prime" and of course he's an orange. 

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