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okay I figerud how to expand your land just now, you have to buy the 400 kitty coins expander from the down qwq

Is there a way to get more cats? It seems like it maxes out at seven, but I saw a comment saying it should go to 21. I have four expansions, seven scratch posts, plenty of food and water and cardboard boxes, and at least a hundred toys, but none of it seems to make a difference.

maybe cats don't find your lodging very attractive. have you tried adding cat beds instead?

I had ten resting places of various kinds, and now I added four more, and we are up to eight kittens. But I think that fourteen beds for eight kittens is a lot. They don't sleep that much.

this game is so cute!! its genuinely addicting teehee. i love the cats naming system :3 ive been playing for HOURS, and i think i will play for many more :D

also, is there a way to see a list of cats you have adopted? i know about the catlog but im having a hard time counting all my silly cats. if there isnt a way, i suggest adding a popup that gives you either a list or a count of adopted/current cats and maybe the stats for everything else? like toys/furniture


love this game

While a little slow on progress, very cute, very nice! 

It's awesome game of all world!!!!!

I loved it! so cute


this is why im not getting the yarn 😬


Is the backup save on the browser compatible with the downlodable version if I replace the save? (I tried this and renamed the file itself, but the game kept crashing. Am I missing something?)

It’s not compatible, there’s not a way to transfer save files between browser and downloaded versions yet, but it’s something I am working on!


i wrote down a bunch of stuff i’d love to see in this game! As somone who doesnt do pixel art or coding I understand if some of this stuff wouldnt be doable :)


Just realized its called a cat tree, not tower! My brains foggy from my music being so loud -w- & also maybe a tunnel the cats can run through would be cool for a toy/furniture!

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just figured out if you drag your finger across the screen on mobile the cats will chase it! I love this game so much :3

My son De Pierre (I used all my money adopting him, no regrets)


update: I had him on a private tab I thought itchwould save him <\33

this hurts me.

rest in code Pierre.


Nice game, i continued playing despite of the need to go to sleep. Great potential

This game is super cute and im genuinly addicted!! Ive been playing for like over an hour :P

How do I make money I'm confused I don't want to sell thing but how do i make more???

If you adopt a kitty they’ll find money over timeif their happy, & when stray kittys leave they give money depending on their happiness!


Great I have 7 cats that might help tysm

does anyone know if higher priced toys have a higher chance of cats playing with them? tysm :)

If kitties are bored enough they’ll play with anything except for balls on their own, but they’ll play with any toy if they see it moving (if they’re a little bit bored and they’re in the mood to play with it!)

Kitties are only in the mood to do one “play” thing at a time (playing with toys, chasing kitties, chasing the cursor, scratching things, sitting in a box/bed, etc), so if they aren’t playing with toys they’re just not in the mood at that moment ^^

thank you!! :)

this game is amazing but can you make it so the auto feeder has more cat food in it because it has to be refilled every 2 minutes 

Also I love how the grass moves when things are on them such as toys, cats, ect.

OK found a solution to the food don't get an auto feeder food fills immediately in normal bowl


Is there a limit to how many cats you can have?

Deleted 6 days ago

It’s based on how many toys and scratching posts you have, but has diminishing returns, eventually capping at 21 (but you need hundreds of toys to reach this number), and also using expansion permits increases the cap by 2 each

Cute game. 5 minutes or so in, and I'm hooked already!

awwwww the hearts are so cute


Really excited to see the devlopment of this game. It's real good so far, super cute and simple. Nice idler

this game is so cool

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my cat found kittycoins but no kitty coins came out lol

edit: a  new cat came and hes called "lvl 1 aerith the witch", WHAT LMAO

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